What is a crisis management platform and why do I need it?

What is a Crisis Management Platform?


A Crisis Management Platform is a crisis management tool.  It will allow you to create and build a crisis communication plan to respond to any legal, financial, health, social or emotional issue that will impact you. With a subscription to a crisis platform, this can also be extended to your family members, your friends, your employer, your employees, and so an implementable plan is necessary to respond effectively.


An effective crisis platform will offer experienced individuals as part of a unique crisis response team built especially for the customer, with ‘Professional Partners’ – including reputation management companies and PR experts to suit all your contemporary needs – offering a wealth of unrivalled qualities, so all areas of the crisis are mitigated quickly and effectively. This expertise is vital to the crisis response plan, as the appropriate council in the necessary time is important for success.

Why do I need a crisis management platform?

Having an appropriate response team in place allows peace of mind for everyone involved. This is useful in an increasingly litigious and online landscape, where an excellent public image is necessary to build and maintain a reputation – whether that be for a startup, an established business, or to maintain a personal presence and monetized income. Therefore, the PR industry is increasing in size and becoming a greater part of commercial success. The need for a positive image to retain business continuity is becoming greater as processes such as marketing and distribution are applied online, meaning there is greater risk of scrutiny. Conversely though, a crisis manager develops this role by extending their efforts further than the client’s image; they need to be prepared for legal and social issues that go further than a client’s reputation.

Furthermore, negative content – including historical tweets, negative reviews, or serious allegations, whether they’re justified or not – can rapidly tarnish a client’s reputation if not handled with care and expertise. Business and personal value can be significantly impacted. ‘Cancel culture’ and trolling poses a significant threat to a celebrity’s image, as well as their mental health if not correctly supported.


This is where the importance of a Crisis Management Platform will be most evident. One phone call is all it takes to instantly activate a crisis communication plan, which includes a team that is working flat-out in the interest of the victim. Time will not be lost in deciding how to deal with this crisis, the response team will already know the appropriate expert for the relevant issue and thus the crisis can be, in the best scenario, averted or at least managed with time appropriate communications, legal involvements, health and wellbeing referrals. Part of the Crisis Management process will be to review everything that was done during the crisis and evaluate the efficiency of the works undertaken and update your plan as required, as well as improve the processes and systems that go into curating the best possible scenario for the client.


Forewarned is forearmed, or to put it another way: advanced warning provides an advantage.  As crises become more prevalent in an increasingly uncertain world, the need for foreplan is essential to mitigation and retaining a high standard of performance, which is naturally beneficial to one’s employer, family members, and general wellbeing. The key advantage of having a crisis management platform at your disposal is that it keeps you prepared for when a catastrophe does inevitably hit. Greater degrees of planning and a strong set of resources at your disposal means you are armed and ready to face any trouble instantly and effectively, rather than facing it alone and without the necessary qualities to protect the things you love most.